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RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S - 9
RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S - 10

RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S, Firewall Generasi Berikutnya Seri Z

Cocok untuk hotel, perkantoran, sekolah, pabrik, dan rumah sakit untuk pertahanan keamanan jaringan

Datasheet Sales Enquiry
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Fitur Penting
  • Pemindaian port + pengenalan lalu lintas data, rekomendasi kebijakan/aturan cerdas, pemasangan mudah
  • Penerapan kebijakan/aturan setelah simulasi, optimisasi kebijakan/aturan kapanpun
  • Menemukan kesalahan dalam sekali klik di pusat diagnostik cerdas
  • Cloud, memudahkan bisnis anda
Sales Enquiry

Fungsi Dasar
Akses PPPoE/DHCP/Line privat
Skenario pemasangan
Mode route
Mode transparan
Mode off-path
Bantuan pengenalan cepat
Security policy configuration wizard
Pemindaian port
Pengenalan Trafik
Diagnostic center
Fungsi Keamanan
Simulasi kebijakan
Optimisasi kebijakan yang bertentangan
Optimisasi kebijakan yang berlebihan
Optimisasi kebijakan yang kedaluarsa
Manajemen siklus kebijakan
Pendeteksian dan pencegehan penyusupan
Pertahanan serangan DDoS
Pertahanan serangan ARP
Templat perlindungan virus
Ancaman Intelijen
Fungsi Manajemen
Identifikasi layanan game online
Identifikasi layanan belanja online
Identifikasi layanan keuangan internet
Identifikasi layanan pesan instan
Layanan keamanan tervisualisasi
Tampilan status perangkat di cloud
Pengiriman kebijakan di cloud
Analisa keamanan di cloud
Perbaikan langsung

Pemasangan Mudah, pengoperasian dan manajemen sederhana, pertahanan dan keamanan jaringan sangat handal dan kuat

Cocok untuk hotel, perkantoran, sekolah, pabrik, dan rumah sakit untuk pertahanan keamanan Jaringan

Port SFP+ 10G
Hemat biaya
Tahan dengan trafik berat
Manajemen Ruijie Cloud
SON Seluruh Jaringan, Mudah untuk dikonfigurasi dari awal
Perawatan jaringan Jarak Jauh, Menghemat Tenaga dan Biaya
Kinerja Dapat Ditingkatkn
Ekspansi fleksibel berdasarkan lisensiby
ABeradaptasi terhadap permintaan upgrade layanan

Pemindaian Port + Pengenalan lalu lintas data,
Rekomendasi Kebijakan/aturan Cerdas, Pemasangan Mudah

Saat pemasangan, gunakan Pemindaian Port untuk mengidentifikasi alamat IP dan nomor port sistem layanan secara otomatis, lalu aktifkan Pengenalan Trafik untuk mendeteksi secara otomatis hubungan akses layanan pada jaringan yang aktif. Anda juga bisa membuat kebijakan kontrol akses berdasarkan port dengan satu klik dan menyelesaikan pengenalan firewall tanpa pengetahuan profesional.

1. Pemindaian
2. Pengenalan Trafik
3. Pembuatan Kebijakan

Penerapan Kebijakan Setelah Simulasi, Optimisasi Kebijakan Kapanpun

Pastikan kebijakan dalam Ruang Simulasi Kebijakan tidak mempengaruhi layanan aktual. Terapkan kebijakan ke jaringan yang aktif dengan satu klik setelah verifikasi.

Menemukan Kesalahan dalam sekali klik di Pusat Diagnostik Cerdas

Pusat diagnostik cerdas mendukung analisa otomatis dari kesalahan jaringan dan menyediakan bantuan pemecahan masalah tanpa henti untuk operator jaringan untuk menemukan dan menangani kesalahan dengan cepat

Cloud, Memudahkan Bisnis Anda

  • Self-organizing network
  • Self-organizing network
  • Upgrade firmware jarak jauh
  • Aktivasi lisensi pada aspp ponsel

Product Performance

Firewall Throughput4

Firewall (Traffic Mix)



Threat Protection1,3

10 Gbps

1 Gbps

900 Mbps

850 Mbps

800 Mbps

10 Gbps

2 Gbps

1.6 Gbps

1.2 Gbps

900 Mbps

10 Gbps

3 Gbps

2 Gbps

1.6 Gbps

1 Gbps

Combination of product and performance licenses:

1G: RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S chassis

2G: RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S chassis + one RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S-1G-LIC performance license

3G: RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S chassis + two RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S-1G-LIC performance licenses


System Performance and Capacity

RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S

Firewall throughput of IPv4 packets (1518-byte UDP packets)4

10 Gbps

Firewall throughput (packets per second)

1.8 Mpps

Concurrent sessions (TCP)


New sessions/second (TCP)


Firewall policies


SSL VPN throughput

384 Mbps

Concurrent SSL VPN users (recommended maximum, tunnel mode)


Application control throughput (HTTP 64K)2

3 Gbps

IPsec VPN throughput (512-byte)


Gateway-to-Gateway IPsec VPN tunnels



All performance values are the maximum values and may vary depending on system configuration.

  1. The performance values of IPS (mixed traffic), application control, NGFW, and threat protection are measured with logging enabled.
  2. NGFW performance is measured with firewall, IPS, and application control enabled.
  3. Threat protection performance is measured with firewall, IPS, application control, and malware protection enabled.
  4. Firewall throughput is the maximum forwarding performance (1518-byte UDP packets) of hardware.


Hardware Specifications

Dimensions and Weight

Dimensions and Weight

RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S

Product dimensions (W x D x H)

440 mm x 200 mm x 43.6 mm (17.32 in. x 7.87 in. x 1.72 in.; without rubber pads)

Shipping dimensions (W x D x H)

520 mm x 345 mm x 106 mm (20.47 in. x 13.58 in. x 4.17 in.)

Product weight

2.9 kg

Shipping weight

4.0 kg

Form factor

1 U rack


Port Specifications

Port Specifications

RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S

Fixed 1G electrical port

8 × 10/100/1000 Base-T RJ-45 Ethernet electrical ports with auto-negotiation

Fixed 1G optical port

1 × 1000BASE-SX/LX/ZX Ethernet optical port

Fixed 10G optical port

1 × 10GBASE-SR/LR/ZR Ethernet optical port (with 10G/1G auto-negotiation)

Fixed management port

1 × 10/100/1000 Base-T RJ-45 Ethernet port with auto-negotiation (reusing port Ge 0/0)

Console port

1 x RJ-45 console port (serial console port)

USB port

2 x USB 2.0 ports


Storage Specifications


RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S

Hard disk

No hard disk for factory delivery. A 1 TB SATA hard drive can be added.


Power Supply and Consumption

Power Supply and Consumption

RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S

Power supply

Built-in single power module:

l Rated input voltage: 100–240 V; 50–60 Hz

l Rated input current: 0.65 A

Max. Power Consumption

< 25 W


Environment and Reliability

Environment and Reliability

RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S

Operating temperature

0°C to 45°C (32°F to 113°F)

Storage temperature

–40°C to +70°C (–40°F to +158°F)

Operating humidity

5% RH to 95% RH (non-condensing)

Storage humidity

5% RH to 95% RH (non-condensing)

Noise level

43.7 dB

Operating altitude

0–5000 m (0–16404 ft.)


EMC SZEM2302000974ATV

LVD SZES2302001034AT


Software Specifications



RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S

Physical interface

Configuring interfaces as LAN/WAN interfaces; three IP address assignment modes for WAN interfaces: PPPoE, DHCP, and static IP modes

Configuring routing or transparent mode for interfaces


Configuring sub-interfaces and VLAN IDs

Bridge interface

Configuring interfaces in transparent mode as bridge interfaces

Static route

Configuring IPv4 static routes


Configuring policy-based routing (PBR)

Routing table

Overall routing information of a device

DHCP server

DHCP server; configuring DHCP address pools

Address management list

Assigned DHCP address list

DNS server

Configuring DNS addresses for devices




RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S

Address/Address group

Configuring address objects in IP address/range format


Configuring security zones

Application and application group

Configuring application types in application/application group mode

Service/Service group

Configuring service objects; common default port services supported

Time plan

Configuring time objects; one-off time plans and cyclic time plans supported

Virus protection template

Configuring content object templates; predefined virus protection templates supported

Configuring virus protection templates Configuring quick scan or deep scan; configuring templates based on protocols and directions; setting excluded viruses

Intrusion prevention template

Configuring content object templates; predefined intrusion prevention templates supported

Configuring intrusion prevention templates Configuring rule filters based on objects, severity, protocols, threat types; setting excluded rules

SSL proxy certificate

Adding, importing, deleting, viewing, and downloading SSL proxy certificates Configuring a global SSL proxy certificate

Server certificate

Importing, deleting, viewing, and downloading server certificates

Security rule base

Viewing default security rules in the IPS library




RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S

Traffic learning

Traffic learning to record destination IP addresses and port numbers as well as abnormal traffic

Export of traffic learning logs


NAT and NAT policies

Policy import

Batch import of NAT policies


Common NAT ALG services in NAT policy

Server mapping

Server port mapping in NAT policy

Address pool

NAT address pool status display in NAT policy

Security policy

Configuring security policies; customizing policies based on parameters including objects, contents, and zones; policy list

Security policy

Batch import of security policies

Simulation policy

Simulating policy execution in the simulation space to check whether uncertain security policies can achieve expected effects

Policy configuration wizard

Security policy configuration wizard for conducting port scan, performing configurations, testing configurations, and other steps to generate security policies

Policy optimization

Sorting out configured security policies and analyzing policies to identify redundant, expired, and conflicting policies

Policy lifecycle

Full lifecycle display of security policies, including detailed records of policy changes

Port scan

Port scan of configured IP ranges for all ports or selected ports; policy creation prompt for scan results

DoS/DDoS attack defense

Different DDoS attack defense policies in security defense

ARP attack defense

Anti-ARP spoofing, ARP flooding suppression, and other functions in security defense

Local defense

Configuring local defense policies in security defense


Configuring global blocklists and allowlists

SSL proxy policy

Configuring SSL proxy policies; customizing policies based on parameters including objects, contents, and zones; policy list

SSL proxy template

Configuring SSL proxy templates; setting the template type to protecting client or server


Configuring domain name allowlists and application allowlists




RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S


Creating device administrators, including account names, passwords, and description

Administrator role

Setting multiple administrator roles and assigning different permissions

Clock configuration

Configuring system time; NTP service configuration supported

Service parameter

Configuring service ports for a device, including web (HTTPS), SSH, and other ports

Authorization management

Managing licenses of devices, including license import and activation

Device information

Viewing device information, including the product name, SN, and MAC address, version information, running time, and license information

System restart

Restarting the system on the web UI

System upgrade

Upgrading the system

Patch installation

Downloading and installing patches for upgrade

Configuration backup

Import and export of device configurations

Factory settings restoration

Restoring factory settings on the web UI

Signature library upgrade

Automatic signature library upgrades based on the latest versions on the cloud

Cloud management platform

Enabling or disabling unified management on the cloud management platform

Device binding

Adding devices to the cloud management platform by scanning a QR code


Ping for troubleshooting


Tracert for troubleshooting

Packet obtaining tool

Tool for obtaining packets and exporting results

One-click collection

Collecting fault information with one click

Device health

Device health diagnosis

Service diagnosis

Service continuity diagnosis

Breakdown record

Breakdown information records

Device log retention

Device log retention

External APIs

RESTful APIs for third-party interconnection

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RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S

Firewall manajemen cloud RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S menyediakan 8 port Ethernet 1G, 1 port SFP 1G, 1 port SFP+ 10G, dan suplai daya tunggal (untuk pengiriman pabrik). Firewall berukuran 1 U dan mendukung ekspansi hard disk 1 TB kelas enterprise.

RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S-1G-LIC

Lisensi ekspansi performa untuk firewall manajemen cloud RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S: Satu lisensi menyediakan ekspansi 1G untuk keluaran jaringan.

RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S-LIS-M-1Y

Intrusion prevention (IPS), antivirus (AV), identifikasi app (APP), kumpulan signature URL empat-dalam-satu lisensi untuk firewall manajemen cloud RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S: Satu lisensi menyediakan satu tahun upgrade layanan untuk IPS, AV, APP, dan kumpulan signature URL.

RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S-LIS-E-1Y

Intrusion prevention (IPS), antivirus (AV), identifikasi app (APP), ancaman intelijen, kumpulan signature URL lima-dalam-satu lisensi untuk firewall manajemen cloud RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S: Satu lisensi menyediakan satu tahun upgrade layanan untuk IPS, AV, APP, dan kumpulan signature URL dan satu tahun layanan ancaman intelijen.


1 TB hard disk kelas enterprise bida ditambahkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konfigurasi hard disk.

RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S+RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S-LIS-M-1Y

Combination package of Ruijie cloud-managed firewall RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S

with a four-in-one firewall signature library license: includes one firewall and

one-year upgrade services for IPS, AV, APP, and URL signature libraries.

RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S+RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S-LIS-E-1Y

Combination package of Ruijie cloud-managed firewall RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S

with a five-in-one firewall signature library license: includes one firewall,

one-year upgrade services for IPS, AV, APP, and URL signature libraries, and one-year threat intelligence services.



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